Inception of Teacher Training Center Rehabilitation Project
Speech by by Mr. Jaap Van Hierden, UN Resident Coordinator Micronesia
6 February 2024
Your Excellency, President Surangel Whipps Jr.,
Ambassadors of India and South Africa,
Honorable Dr. Dale Jenkins, Minister of Education,
Government Officials,
UN Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Ungil el tutau.
It is my pleasure to join you virtually from Chuuk State, FSM for the inception of the Teacher Training Center Rehabilitation Project. A project that will help improve the quality of education for children and young people in Palau.
President Whipps, I want to congratulate you and the Government of Palau on your commitment towards transforming education. Your embrace of innovation and digital technology is indeed key and commendable.
Perhaps importantly so, the Teacher Training Center Rehabilitation Project is a pivotal initiative that has been made possible with the support of the India Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Trust Fund managed by the UN Office of South-South Cooperation. I thank India, Brazil and South Africa for their show of solidarity and support to Palau accordingly.
Indeed, well trained and motivated teachers are key in realising quality education. Training that should be enabled by up-to-date teacher training facilities. Together, teachers and teacher training facilities are a critical step towards meeting Palau’s national education goals and help accelerate progress toward SDG 4. One that focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. A goal that lies at the heart of all sustainable development.
The renovated and modernized Teacher Training Center in Koror will provide facilities for 80 teachers with access to state-of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate better instruction, safety, and academic results.
Improving education infrastructure, lik this modern teacher training center, also supports resilience, against current climate conditions, one of the most critical issues Palau faces today. In this regard, the renovated Teacher Training Center can also act as an Emergency Evacuation Shelter accommodating up to 142 persons. By doing so, it increases available shelter space and relieves stress on the Palau High School that is currently being used for this purpose.
In closing, I reiterate UN’s commitment in supporting Palau to achieve its national priorities and the 2030 Agenda. A commitment that includes leveraging South-South & Triangular Cooperation and connect Palau to global knowledge and expertise.
Thank you for your attention.